Good Enough or Not Enough?

That struggle between working toward a goal, but accepting good enough as good enough.

There’s a delicate line with which we tend to do one of two things.

We stop short. Viewing it in the distance and writing it off as unattainable.

Or we get so lost in the pushing that we find ourselves having crossed it long ago.

I know I often find myself in both of those places.

Right now, I’m searching for that delicate line of good enough. The one where I do my best and leave the rest to God. But it’s a constant battle of wondering,

“Have I done my best or could I do better?
Good enough? Or not enough?

For me, the often too consuming area is the healing and adapting of my daughter’s special needs, and the healing of my son and I from the toxic mold we discovered. Just when I think I can step back and stop the striving, we suffer a setback and it sends the questions circling through my mind once again. Because when it’s your children, it’s hard to stop.

It’s hard to give yourself grace or accept “good enough” when there might be one more place to look for answers. When there might be one more plan that fixes everything.

For you, the struggle may be your career. Or it might be how you organize or decorate your home. It could be about your ministry at church or your role as classroom or team Mom. Or, for my blogging friends,  it may just be your place right here in the blogosphere.

So where is the line of “good enough”?

At what point do I peacefully say, “I have done my best and the rest is up to God?”

Are You Really Fine Just the Way You Are? by Carlie Lake of From Dust Towards the Heavens - good enough #MomentsofHope feature

Little did she know, but as I was struggling this week with exhaustion, my friend Carlie who writes at From Dust Towards the Heavens, encouraged me by sharing her post inspired by an incident with her daughter. Are You Really Fine Just the Way You Are? came from the heart of a wise little 11-year-old.

“We had been in the middle of a math lesson and she had been dawdling a bit more than I liked, and so I had started in, yet again, reminding her that she can do better. It was a familiar tirade. One that I had repeated more times than I care to remember. Not only to her… but also to myself. We can always do better. 

Don’t you just love the deep truth Carlie’s daughter spoke without even realizing it?
It’s still a tough line to find, friends, but I am reminded that because the Savior loves me and lavishes me with His grace, I can rest. And when I do, I can feel peace and know that He will fill my gaps and mark my steps. Even though tomorrow sometimes seems too long to wait, God still controls all the tomorrows. 
Are you struggling in finding that delicate line of good enough? Friends, I’m praying we stop long enough to hear Him. To sense His direction. To embrace His strength and feel His peace.
If I can pray for you in this area, I would be honored. 
Readers, I pray your hearts are encouraged and that as you walk into this week you are reminded that you matter, you are loved, and that there is always hope.

And, just so you know …

I’m so glad you’re here.

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  1. Oh, Lori, thank you for blessing my heart so richly this morning. I am so grateful that you were blessed by my post. I stand amazed at my Father, who continually uses my ordinary to remind me of His extraordinary truths, and pray that others will also be blessed as they journey into His sweet rest. I love the quote, ‘ I can feel peace and know that He will fill my gaps and mark my steps’. Thanks so much, my friend. Blessings and hugs!

    1. Carlie, your post was so truth-filled. God always speaks so powerfully through our children and there is so much we can learn from them, but we must listen. And listen is exactly what you did! Thank YOU for blessing me so great BIG!

      Blessings and smiles,

  2. Lori- what a great reminder! Carlie, you have a wise little girl! Our kids sometimes get God more than us, maybe that’s why God wants us to have a child-like faith.

    Striving endlessly and wearing myself out in the process. I love this line, “You can rest and know that you are fine just the way you are.”
    Such a truth! God finds importance in rest. Rest is part of His will for us.
    Blessed to know you Lori!

    1. So true, Julie. Rest IS part of His will for us. I’m finally learning that … 🙂

  3. Lori, this is a great encouragement and a reeling back in for those of us/me who so often find ourselves/myself in this type of thinking! I needed to hear this today from all areas of my life but especially from one who is in this blog sphere. Your prayers would be really appreciated! God Bless! Going to be sharing this article this week. I know it will encourage others!

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa. You are so right … the blog sphere is a dangerous place for this battle to thrive! I’m so thankful God used my words to encourage you this week! ♥
      Blessings and smiles,

  4. This post is perfect for me right now — looking for that line, wanting to do my best, but needing to cut back on how many “things” fill my daily list. Thanks for this quiet space to just ponder the issue before God.

    1. Hi Michele,
      I’m praying God reveals where the cutting needs to take place. And then praying for you to have the courage to do the cutting and the tenacity to stick to it!
      Blessings and smiles,

  5. Good enough or not enough is such a tough question to answer. And you’re right: it’s even harder when it involves our kids. Sigh. But thankfully grace covers even the answer with our kids. So thankful for God’s unconditional love for us!

    1. Amen, Lisa! I, too, am so grateful for His unconditional love!

  6. Lori, Lori…I struggle with “good enough or not enough” most every day! I don’t want to but I do. I know God loves me as I am for He created me as I am. Yet, I have heard so many negative appraisals of myself when I was young and in my young adult life. I still must press them down and give them to Jesus over and over again. Thank you for this young one’s words that touch me deeply.
    I love you for sharing this with us today.

    1. Linda, I will be praying for those negative words to be unstuck from your soul once and for all. And that they be replaced with the beautiful truth-filled words with which God has labeled you! Hugs, my friend!

  7. You are not alone in this struggle Lori. I think we all try to find the balance between trust and doing, and the line is constantly changing as we change. It’s good you have placed some boundaries on your days and are able to let Jesus carry your burdens. Praying you feel better soon, toxic mold sounds scary!

    1. Thanks so much, Nicki, for your kind words and for your prayers!
      Blessings and smiles,

  8. I’m so thankful to know that I’m not the only one that finds the line between good enough and not enough so vague. It’s a constant struggle. The words of the wise 11 year old will be ringing in my ears. Thank you so much for sharing this!

    1. Sisters united, Jennifer! 🙂 I’m praying we all find that balance … soon! Thanks for stopping by, friend! I love that you are here ♥

  9. I’m so sorry you and your son still get setbacks from the toxic mold, Lori. Also for the daily challenge you have with a special needs child. It’s no wonder you’re exhausted. That struggle with whether we’ve done enough can in itself be so tiring, can’t it? I love Carlie’s daughter’s wisdom! From the mouths of babes! 🙂 God be with you and give you strength and peace for each day! Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Trudy! Your words are always so encouraging. I do wear myself out with that wondering … This post was definitely for me to preach to myself, as well!! Ha! I know … I just love what our children say. Carlie’s little one sounds so very wise!

  10. Such beautiful encouragement here, Lori. And impressive words of wisdom from your friend’s young daughter! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Mold can be detrimental. Prayers for you and your son’s healing. I completely agree with you on accepting good enough and leaving the rest to God. This is much easier said than done for me too :).

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, Candace ♥

  11. I struggle with this so much as the oldest daughter. I have my eyes too much on myself and not on my Savior enough and my Lord and my God. I know these things in my head, but often my mind is focused not on these good and lovely and true things. I would appreciate prayer that I would be focused on who God is, and who I am in the robe of Christ’s righteousness. <3

    1. Sweet Emily,
      I am stopping right now to pray for you! Thank you for giving me the privilege to do so. Lord, You alone know the whispers the enemy chooses to run through Emily’s mind. You alone knowI the depths of her story. Her thoughts. Her heart. So, Lord, I ask You now to step into the middle of these thought. Put a holy and powerful stop to the enemy’s distractions and be Emily’s strength to take her eyes off the distraction and onto all that is You. Your truth. Your love. Your hope. Your joy. I thank you for this lovely Godly woman who chases after You and shares Your hope with all those she meets. In Your precious and holy Name I pray. Amen.

      Blessings and smiles,

  12. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 🙂
    Thanks for the boost, Lori!

  13. It’s very hard to let go, isn’t it? that is to give up the illusion of being in control. From a planner like me, I have to learn to let go of trying to make things just right, and look for God in those details. And then to breathe… breathe in the presence of the Lord and exalt Him in the midst of our struggles. thanks!

    1. Yes! Breathing in and exalting Him! So important. Thanks, Karen!