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A Prayer for Hope and Gratitude for When You Are Suffering

Hope and gratitude.

I don’t know how often we think of them as resting one within the other, but I believe it is a truth we should all embrace. I don’t know that one can exist without the other. Actually, I am pretty sure that it is quite impossible!

Over the last couple of weeks as Marva and I, through our #GratefulHeart Series, have explored what gratitude means, we learned that our message wasn’t just for our readers. It was for us, too.

Gratitude Is a Weapon

It makes room for hope. It fuels the fire of hope and it keeps joy and laughter alive.

So this week, I’m grateful for a God Who never lets go. A God who offers hope when hope doesn’t seem possible.

If you are in a place of hurt right now, where life feels unjust and you have unanswered questions, I promise you there is hope. There is hope in the Savior. In Jesus.

Lean in. Hold on. Embrace His love. And pray.

A Prayer for Hope and Gratitude in the Midst of Suffering

A Prayer for Hope and Gratitude in the Midst of Suffering - #MomentsofHope - Lori Schumaker
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Another Moment of Hope and Gratitude in the Midst of Pain

As I read the posts from last week’s #MomentsofHope, I found there was one that left me struck with emotion. Not too long ago you had the opportunity to read the hope-filled words from my friend, Carlie at From Dust Toward the Heavens. Today, I share her words again as this week’s feature.

I believe your heart will be moved. Encouraged. Inspired.

You will look at hope and gratitude in a different way.


…”But in my loneliness, way down deep in the depths of me, I meet Hope.

Not the hope of this world that disappoints. A Hope that picks me up and carries me at the very lowest and saddest times of my life. A Hope that promises never to leave me or forsake me. A promise I can rely upon… even in my darkest moments.

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” –John 16:33

My heart breaks. I think of my loss. And then I think of those who have no Hope… who suffer alone. And I pray that they would know that it doesn’t have to be that way.

Follow Carlie here to read the rest of her post. Make sure to bring your Kleenex! 

Want to Catch Up on the Grateful Heart Mini-Series?

The Grateful Heart Mini-Series by Marva Smith of Sun Sparkle Shine and Lori Schumaker of Searching for Moments - Is your heart not in a place of gratitude right now? Do you need some encouragement? This series offers just that and more! #GratefulHeart
  • Series introductions from Marva and me.
  • Post #1Gratitude – 3 Doors that a Grateful Heart will Open
The #GratefulHeart Journaling Exercise - Take time each day to write 5 reasons for why your heart is grateful today! Before you know it, gratitude will be a way of life for you! This journal is a gift from the #GratefulHeart Series by Lori Schumaker and SunSparkleShine
This is only one of the tools available to help you as you cultivate a #GratefulHeart. The printable PDF is available when you sign up above to join us! 

And, just so you know …

I’m so glad you’re here. ♥

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  1. Lori, it is so true that gratitude and hope are such powerful weapons when we feel all is lost. It is so good to have a God who gives us that hope in our most difficult times. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving week!

  2. Lori, This prayer is so powerful. I love your focus on using gratitude as a weapon. It defeats discouragement, disappointment, and entitlement. I loved Carlie’s post too and pulled it as one of my featured posts for this week. Thank you for faithfully starting my Monday with a word of hope and encouragement. Blessings my friend!!

  3. I know that my one true Hope, in Christ, certainly results in gratitude. I don’t even think I can be truly grateful without the Hope of my salvation. Having Christ in my life changes everything, Lori! Thanks so much for this thought provoking and heart motivating post! Thanks also for the linkup, my friend!

  4. So so thankful that there is hope in our Savior Jesus. <3 Thank you sisters for reminding our hearts to rise in gratefulness to God!

  5. What a beautiful prayer and post, dear Lori! I am SO thankful that no matter what happens in life … no matter how many times people fail us and the enemy strikes … that our God is unshakable and never-changing. He is the only thing worth putting our total HOPE in! <3

  6. My heart is for the lonely and hurting, Lori so this is very touching personally. The prayer is beautiful and I am praying alongside of you that these people in the world know the One true Comforter. Have a blessed and lovely Thanksgiving!

  7. Hope and gratitude…I’m not sure I’ve made that connection before but I like it! And will think more about it. I definitely need more of both. Thanks, Lori. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  8. Lori- beautiful prayer! I think it’s so important to find gratitude in the midst of suffering. It’s the branch that one clings to when the pit is closing in. If you can find gratitude, you can find hope.
    Lovely post!

  9. Thank you, Lori. The prayer especially touches my heart. Also Carlie’s post. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving! Hugs!

  10. What a heartfelt prayer Lori. May we live every day with a heart of gratitude. I agree with you that hope and gratitude are connected. When we express our gratitude to our Savior, it gives us hope. We acknowledge that He is in control and will bring us through our circumstances. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday and may God continue to bless you and yours.

  11. These two are truly linked as a pair for this walk. Suffering surely comes in and out of our lives in so many ways. When we can be thankful in the midst, I see the hope that I am blessed to feel because I have gratitude in my heart. I did not realize that until I began writing out things for which I am grateful for and to. Your prayer is beautiful and one to pray with you.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  12. Thank you for such a beautiful prayer, Lori! And thanks for featuring my post and for all your prayers and support. This week has been so difficult, but God showed up strong and powerful… yet loving and gentle. My heart breaks for those who feel alone in their suffering, and I pray that they would embrace His love and never have to feel alone again. Thanks for all that you do to spread God’s message of hope! Blessings to you!